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The Power of Five

Writer's picture: Shannon SchlivertShannon Schlivert

Everyone has those days where they struggle to get anything done. Like, anything. Sometimes it's a bout of depression. Other times it's a simple lack of motivation that day. Or maybe even just being so overwhelmed by everything on your to do list that you can't even start. Whatever your reason, I have something to help you.

As someone with anxiety and ADHD I have had to develop coping mechanisms and tricks to overcome the walls that my mind sometimes builds between me and my goals. One of my favourites that I recommend often to people is what I like to call "Just Five Things". Here's how it works...

Wherever you are, look around you. The first small thing that you see that needs to be done, pick that thing up and do it. Just one. Maybe it's a coffee cup that has been sitting on the table since yesterday morning. Or a paper that needs to be filed. Or an old pair of jeans you plan on donating and need to put in your car to go. Just do that one thing. Doing that one simple task will take no time from your day, and about 30 seconds of effort. Now do it four more times and then sit down. Did it take a lot of time? No. Was it overwhelming? Probably not. But those five little things, as small as they may have been, have put a dent in your to do list. I may have been small, but it made an impact and that feels rewarding.

If all you can do that day is those five things, then you still did something. You still made some progress and you can feel good about that. Moving ahead is better than being stuck.

On really rough days I will do this a few times throughout the day and I let myself build some energy and willpower in between. A lot of the time though I'll feel so good about making progress that I'll want to keep going. I always keep it to increments of five things, but it can add up really fast!

I hope that my little trick helps you out on those not so great days and that it gets you a bit closer to your goals, no matter how big or small they are.

Sending you all love and good vibes!

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